Monday, July 22, 2002

Here's another article by another kind soul out there!!


Well dude, I've been in that situation as well: infatuated with feelings and emotions, being given contradictory signs and totally surrounded by confusion and anticipation and not knowing where to go with it all or what to do. To make things worse, you're a romantic, which is usually a good thing because it means you're part of a dieing and greatly civilized race, but in situations like these it makes things only harder. I have been in nearly your exact predicament and I too was stuck! Personally, I just rode it out. She and I drifted apart, then close, then apart again then were friendly... and it went on like that... and it sucked. So please, don't put yourself through it too. I agree with what was already said, you have to decide if she's for you or not and move on with your life, with or without her. Ultimately, my gal was not for me and she knew it the whole time... which burns me up even today, so perhaps my opinion is tainted because it's mixed with a distasteful memory. However, I stand by it, and unlike you were told, I say SLAP yourself and get a hold of the situation, don't just take a few breaths. YOU'VE GOT TO FIND OUT WHAT SHE THINKS OF YOU; friends or more, and I think this has to be done face to face. What you decide to say can be quick; it only takes a second and it doesn't have to be conspicuous. Something simple, like bring up a movie that looks cool and slip your way in to asking if she'd like to see it. Anything, just find out more now and don't let it drag on. Life's too short to get all tangled up with the feelings of love if you know that perhaps it just isn't so. You may only be setting yourself up for heartbreak, but then again, maybe not... it's up to you to find out.

Good luck my friend, I truly am rooting for you.


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