Monday, June 19, 2006

Alas, blood has to be shed...

If I were to smile now, this would be how I'll look. The right side of my face is numb.

Which is good for now, as I don't feel that much pain. However it would be bad if it stays numb forever. Crikey.

Finally extracted my tooth. Only 2 teeth mine you, an upper incisor and a lower wisdom tooth right at the back of my right jaw. Now, 2 more to go and I'll be able to get on with braces... Kitaaaa!! o^___^o!!

Honestly the surgery was painless,cept' for the audio effects(drilling, twisting, grating, cracking sound of my teeth), thanks doc.

I am touching rubber lips that doesn't feel like mine right now, just can't believe that I'll get so numb. If I was numb in the head, probably the doc would be able to drill right thru' my jaw without me noticing. That's the power of anesthetic(lidocaine hydrochloride).

Doh! My cotton gauze is filling up with red blood faster that you can say " Nobuta Power Chu Nyu!"

Now I wonder how I can start eating.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

You know you are in NS for too long when:

- When you say "Gather!" when all you wanted is to get your friends to come foward

- You reject or refuse to pick up phone calls with the no. 675 at the beginning

- You start saying vulgarities even when you are happy. "WTF, Really meh, Song boh!"

- You go out with your friends and you say, today same SOP lah, go arcade first...

- You roll on the ground in laughter when you see people wearing the army admin shirt in public. " Wah piang, he want to report sick itzit?"

- When your dad asks you to run an errand for him, you whine to your mom. " Wah lau,why he always arrow me one?"

- You learnt to how to act busy.

- You learnt how to throw "smoke bomb" (Disappear when help is needed)

- You realise that acting blur is probably the smartest thing you ever do in NS.

- You realise that rank doesn't matter, its how early your ORD date that really matters " Commander so what? Respect my ORD hor"

- You learnt how to "STUN" people's stuff stun: to steal or to presume it yours

- You tried all the different brands of instant cup noodles in singapore(For stay-in personnel only)

Friday, June 9, 2006

Wee...I'm back in camp, for guard duty tomorrow...


Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Once in a millienium 60606