Monday, September 26, 2005

Went for morning service yesterday at the COR. It was certainly a wonderful session, and there was something that the speaker was sharing, about how he had a serious knee injury as well as swollen eyes in a short span of 2 mths...and grew to realise what he has always taken for granted. The ability to walk, or even to blink your eyes, these seem to be really normal things that we do...but we must never that it for granted. We are always in an endless pursuit for whats far ahead. But have we ever wondered what would happen tomorrow?

Life is fragile.

Therefore, we should always give thanks for everything that we have, be it something as simple as walking. for every moment that I am fit and well, I thank God for it. In the noon, I met my long time bud, Guangsheng who have have known since Primary 1?! Had a good time chatting; and definitely an enjoyable time. Haha, I was really tickled by the part where we were taking pictures of the Beard Papa's cheese stick while taking the escalator; it it looked as if we were sneaking a shot at the girls in skirts above us. Wah lau. It would have made us look like perverts. He was like, "Eh I am holding the cheese sticks nicely now, quickly take a pic!" But I just said" Aiyah later can, now people might think that we are taking photo of their backside le!" lol!

That's the infamous escalator pic!

I guess I can always relate to Guangsheng in about christian perspectives, as he's been a christian for years...thanks bro for the positive feedback! On our way home, he dropped by to watch FF7 AC at my home...nice movie! The CG are fantastic....every nuance of the facial expression was so realistic, kudos to the creators of FF7, who spent years to create this movie. Sadly it is not showing in singapore theatres though...=/ Otherwise the response wold be great. I know many fans of the Final Fantasy it would definitely be a hit amongst CG lovers!

Now, FF Spirits of Within, EAT this!!

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