Tuesday, April 6, 2004

Heya Blog...*sigh*

Made a card the day before for Theresa to thank her for helping out at the IEP...it was a card with a flower and felt material...erm..I passed it out in the most inappropriate moment(?), hmmm...I wondered if she liked it....=/

Anyway, trust me to be that paranoid freak. Boo.

I just hope that it wasn't bcause I seemed to be showing favoritism to her over Cindy, who too helped out at the IEP. Justin and the others have some left-over fund to buy gifts for those who helped in the IEP, Yanlin and Beaver(Jean my IEP group member) were the other two helpful people...=)

Actually, from my point of view, what Theresa did was to take the initiative to msg me to volunteer to help, so somehow, that was a lil' different for me; I truly appreciate it...so I followed my heart and decided to get her a gift as a way of thanking her. It was a tiny glass dolphin keychain that I bought in Taiwan a few years ago...*Sigh* I hope that that does not make her think that I was "going" to woo her again. All I want is to maintain our friendship, to make things better...

Somehow, it is so me. I always screw things up. =(

I would never dream of anything anymore. That "romance" was over. Period.

Anyway, I have been truthful, honest as I am, and aboveboard. God guide me the way.

Well, by the way, there's the movie that I would like to have a special mention of.

The Passion Of The Christ

Watched it last Saturday when Justin got us tickets....that was a great movie. Moving in many ways, and affected I have been. IT's really show a different side to things. In the world of cruelty and self-centreness, we have Jesus. He showed the world that He is pure, that He bears no sin, and is willing to die for our sins. The brutal scenes in the movie has shocked me, the blood that He shed for the people, for us, was done with love, love that transcends time and space. That's the glory of God's love. Neverending.

Our Father,

Who Art in Heaven

Hallowed Be Thou Name

Thy Kingdom Come

Thy Will Be Done

On Earth As It Is In Heaven

Give Us This Day

Our Daily Bread

Forgive Us Our Trespasses

As We Forgive Those

Who trespass Against Us

Lead us not into Temptation

But Deliver us From Evil

For thy is the kingdom and the glory forever and ever...


That's the Lord's Prayer.

I was overwhelmed by sadness. By pain. A sorry sight. A man filled with love. No man could ever do that. Jesus Christ. Our father, our Lord.

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