Wednesday, March 8, 2006

I am down with a bad COUGH. *coughs*

And it really sux.

It is spoiling my appetite. Whenever I swallow food, I feel nauseous; like I'm gonna throw up.

I Not Sick. Pls.

The cause of it all?

POI. <------------------------------------

Honestly, the hours spent in the microscopic(notice that I am exaggerating), stuffy room is developing claustrophobia in me.

Repetitive. Boring. Disorientating.


*cough* *splutter*

Well, something to look foward to.

Pay's coming! 10th March.

That means a new LCD monitor!


Well, as for now, I'm gonna focus on something more important. Something introspective, with an identical moniker of the dreadful latter.


Protection of Individual.

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