Sunday, April 16, 2006

Looking good?

INk has been spilt in the Straits Times about the issue of beauty and how unfair it has been that people are often judged based on the way they look, not actually what they say or do. In a way, they have been judged subjectively, basd on the social model of beauty.

But do beautiful people really have it easier? Might there be disadvantages at all to being pretty, or handsome?

Sure, pretty ladies might have an edge in sales related occupations, provided that they have good PR skills as well.

Does looks open doors?

People will be more attracted to you, from face value, and warm up to you, but after that first impression thingy, it's all about proving you mettle. Your talents and strengths, and even demeanour, will play a part in the upcoming "impressions" to come. If you fail in these areas, the "backlash" that you'll get would be harsher.

My Friends,

Consider what it is that makes one "attractive". Many attraction elements have nothing whatsoever to do with beauty. Try putting on some of the following elements of attractiveness:

1. INTEGRITY. People with integrity that do not gossip and look for the best in others (and therefore inspire the best in others) are considered attractive.

2. COMMUNICATION SKILLS. People who communicate well, those that manage conflict constructively in the workplace are thought of as leaders and are therefore attractive.

3. LEADERSHIP SKILLS. People who support the big picture and do not participate in the little picture (i.e. gossip, negativity and undermining behaviors) are thought of as powerful and therefore attractive.

DO NOT get hung up on the outside part of attractiveness. You can increase your own attractiveness and employability by working on your inner skills.

DO NOT buy into the articles claiming that beauty is all that attractiveness is about. It is NOT! An attractive person is one with integrity, good skills, is well put together and SMART.

Some elements of attractiveness are controllable and some elements are not. We cannot make ourselves taller, or legs longer or our faces different; but we can focus on the controllable elements of attractiveness. If your teeth are crooked and you can have them straightened, do it. If you are overweight, lose it. Keep your hair nicely styled for your face (forget fashion), maintain healthy looking nails and a clean, polished outward appearance. There is no one else in the world like you; embrace that uniqueness in yourself and in others. With this mindset, you'll maximize your own personal abilities and success. Work on your inner skills and GET OUT THERE AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD.

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