Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Am on Nights Off now...and I will be going to New Zealand for an overseas exercise next wednesday(11th of Jan)!!

Hmmm, since I went to the previous 2 overseas exercises, I would say that New Zealand will be the most anticipated place that I'll want to go! Anyway,I am feeling rather lethargic now, probably due the sinus infection/cough that I'm having right now...I better not fall sick! The military police were here this morning; was pretty disoriented and worried as I had a "contraband" item; fortunately no one from our bunk had anything confiscated. =)

Well, on this moment,

I pray for good health and a peaceful trip for my upcoming last overseas exercise.

And I will be shifting on the next tue (10th of Jan) to my new home...

Hopefully things can be done quickly and efficiently for stuff such as :

-the transportation of our boxed-up stuff
-the paint scheme for the house as well
-choice of furniture
-placement of the furniture

There could be a thousand ways that all these things can go wrong...=/


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