Friday, March 5, 2004

OMG! I can do 7 pullups! Thanks to my dad, who got be a full-up bar, I was able to train everyday...;)


"To be a good lover, you have to be a good friend."

Erm. Well, that stands, at least for now =P

The horizon's clear in sight...I haven't found the "One". She will come, I day....I am growing day by day, learning more about life, the choices I have to make, the responsibilities, morals, perspectives...Life is a entire universe of experiences, always distinctly unique for each and every one of us. Us. Small as we are, just specks in the vastness of the universe. Humans. So perfect we are. God given.

Live, I say, live to live.

Life itself is a tragedy. >>>>> <<<<< Life itself is a meaningful journey

Which who you chose to look at? Many a time, we tend to sway from the left to right and vice versa...on one hand, life is so mundane, so difficult, on the other hand, life is such a unique and relevational journey...


Perspective : a way of thinking about something, related to your background, experience or beliefs.

Perspectives change, we can be opened to so many just a moment. All we need is to have an open mind and heart. To reach within ourselves, to delve into our souls, to know and understand what we need.

Some things take time. Only time knows it.

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